A cozy brownstone at the end of the block

Once again I missed my Thursday post. I was at work late. We were shooting a little set up of cut paper buildings for a campaign, and they reminded me of this illustration I did for a holiday card a few years ago, which has sort of the look of cut paper.

Below is a close up (in black and white) of part of the scene we shot last night. One of my co-workers and I spent the batter part of two days cutting and assembling the layered structures.

2 thoughts on “A cozy brownstone at the end of the block”

  1. I love the illustration – thanks for sharing it.

    I thought of you this afternoon when there was definitely a mumuration going on in my backyard 😀

    1. Oh that sounds amazing! I’ve not seen one out in the real world in man years; living in the city makes it difficult. (Though I occasionally see the miniature version as performed by pigeons over the rooftops)

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